Battlestar Galactica
No. 19-007 CAV 5-Sides -1978 Release

Our first videodisc purchased: May 7th, 1980 |
The Bionic Woman
No. 20-001 CAV 4-Sides -1978 Release

Cyborg: The Six Million Dollar Man
No. 19-003 CAV 3-Sides -1978 Release

No. 19-002 CAV 4-Sides -1978 Release

The Hardy Boys: Mystery of the Haunted House
No. 19-008 CAV 2-Sides -1978 Release

The Marcus-Nelson Murders
No. 19-006 CAV 6-Sides -1978 Release

The Secret of Bigfoot
No. 20-002 CAV 4-Sides -1978 Release

Tom Sawyer
No. 19-001 CAV 3-Sides -1978 Release
The eight selections presented by MCA DiscoVision in its 1978 introductory catalog for Television Movies is rare category
that had all listed titles pressed. Retail prices were $9.95 and $15.95 for this group in 1978.
"Battlestar Galactica"
begins in this category, but is moved to Feature Films in later catalogs. This is a accurate situation, as the version of
the film found on DiscoVision was the theatrical cut of "Galactica."
According to catalogs printed in 1979, "The Marcus-Nelson Murders" is not yet available. The title, pilot of CBS-TV's "Kojak"
series, is dropped from MCA DiscoVision catalogs beginning with the May 1980 edition. This info would suggest, "Marcus-Nelson"
was never pressed, however it was released. Availability appears to have been early and perhaps in Atlanta and Seattle in
early 1979, but this is speculation.
The August 1980 MCA DiscoVision catalog includes "The Incedible Hulk" as a coming attraction. This was a rare time an addition
was promised for Television Movies. The title was never released by MCA DiscoVision.
"Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" is not found here, similar to "Battlestar Galactica," the DiscoVision release was the theatrical
version of the movie. Of note to collectors, Universal has issued "Buck Rogers" on DVD with all episodes from its 1979-1981
run on NBC, but the theatrical version of the film is not among the DVD set. The notable difference being the opening credits
found on the theatrical film, differ from the DVD. Additionally, the DiscoVision includes stereo audio, while the DVD is