The disc reviews contained herein are done by Phillip Stevens. In addition
to being a well-known disc collector and reviewer for Disc Deals magazine in the mid-1980's, Phillip Stevens was also the
first to own a LaserVision player when he had a experimental Magnavox Magnavision Model 8000 installed in his prototype commercial
new airplane in 1977. Unfortunately, the player, as well as a custom-made disc, was destroyed when the prototype airplane,
which was hoped would revolutionize the private and commercial industry, was lost in the Atlantic following a hijacking.
website continues Mr. Steven's goal of having a place where, "People can relax and look at beautiful things."
many other reviewer's, Mr. Stevens does not review the plot line or acting of each title, knowing that true collectors are
more interested in audio/video quality and any technical information that is known about the individual discs.